FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

Moderator: Matt

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By Pearl_Buffalo
Posts:  17
Joined:  Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:00 pm

Wanted to share my biggest plant pride and joy with you guys.

In June, the Seed Bank and ChefDean were kind enough to set me up with a variety of micro baby Sundews.

I am happy to announce that every single one survived and thrived, and I am now even sharing some with local enthusiasts in Arizona.

¡ Thank you so much to this group and its conservators for making this world more radical !

IMG_20240803_144814.jpg (4.22 MiB) Viewed 257 times
IMG_20240803_144103.jpg (3.65 MiB) Viewed 257 times
Shadowtski, Jade, wcrosman and 5 others liked this
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