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By DeadlyCarnivore
Posts:  443
Joined:  Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:17 am
Hello! Here's my grow list, randomly updated.

D. Auriculata
D. Hookeri
D. Rupicola "Orange"
D. Tubaestylis

N. Jacquelineae, BE 3874
N. Spathulata x Jacquelineae, BE 3883
N. Veitchii "Big Mama" x Platychila, CAR 0031
N. Veitchii ((k) x Bareo Squat), CAR-0289

Ceph Follicularis "Norma"
Ceph Follicularis "Black Purple"
Ceph Follicularis "ABG"

T. Albertiana "Red Bloom"
T. Andreana
T. Caput Medusae x2
T. Diaguitensis
T. Funckiana
T. Ionantha
T. Ionantha "Fuego"
T. Ionantha var. Vanhyningii
T. Nana
T. Neglecta
T. Stellifera
T. Usneoides

Platycerium Grande

Dendrobium Kingianum
Rose of Jericho

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Last edited by DeadlyCarnivore on Fri Dec 13, 2024 8:41 am, edited 20 times in total.
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By DeadlyCarnivore
Posts:  443
Joined:  Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:17 am
Nepenthes0260 wrote:Very nice tuberous Drosera!
Thank you!

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By DeadlyCarnivore
Posts:  443
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Updated for new plants.
A little behind on the update.
T. Bryoides has been pumping out flower stalk after flower stalk recently. The last couple of seed pods finally matured and split open, going to test to see if they germinate. I think it is a self-pollinating plant.
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By DeadlyCarnivore
Posts:  443
Joined:  Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:17 am
Just thought I'd post some pictures here.
D. Rosulata (new)
D. Whittakeri (CalCarn said this was their Dark Red x Typical Cross, but it came with a label saying it was just Whittakeri)
D. Squamosa x Collina (new)
D. Andersoniana
N. Spathulata x Jacquelineae
Platycerium Grande
Platycerium Superbum
N. Veitchii x Platychila, CAR 0031 (new)
Ceph "ABG" Clone

N. Spathulata x Jacquelineae is definitely one of my favorites. Its peristome is DRENCHED in nectar and it colors up VERY nicely. Traps are only a little over an inch long.

Hopefully the pictures are in order of how I listed them.
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By DeadlyCarnivore
Posts:  443
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Some pictures Image and a an update!

I'm excited for this fall and winter. My tuberous drosera are leaving their slumber. Rupicola woke up last month, got around to potting it a week or two ago, along with some others. Collina x Squamosa is poppin out, Andersoniana is as well. Lost my Tubaestylis tubers... I'm assuming they dried out... they werent in their dirt bag when I was going to pot them up, so that's a bummer. Cant wait for the rest to pop out!

I used to dislike nepenthes a lot because I was never able to take care of them that well...and I felt like a lot of them looked very bland(I'm big into flared peristomes and color, haha), but they're now one of my favorites and seem to be doing really well!

My Jacquelineae is doing great (all time favorite nepenthes, didnt think I would be able to keep it alive, but here we are!). My Spathulata x Jacquelineae is doing great, but getting big fast. I dont know what I'm gonna do with it when it gets too big for my plant box, haha. Veitchii "Big Mama" x Platychila "White" is doing great, its growin quickly and seems to be able to hold out 4 pitchers at a time. Their peristomes already have nice bands of red here and there. Veitchii (k) x Bareo Squat is doing well, its a baby, not expecting much from it right now.

My Platycerium Grande.... i have no idea where to put it. Its getting big fast. Lost my Superbum, I think I put it into shock moving it from my plant enclosure... Pretty sad about that, definitely getting another one though.

Now that I have this terrarium, my Tillandsia seem to be doing very well. They kinda just sit there and look pretty while I neglect them even more than I was before.... just a bunch of green little plants, bunched together.
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