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By Norcrossnotgeorgia
Posts:  20
Joined:  Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:02 pm
I don’t know if this is a mini bog, a terrarium, a greenhouse, or simply “yes.” But here she is. I seriously wasn’t sure if I was gonna pull this off, historically I am no good with pings. I put a bunch of leaf strikes on a really big pumice stone, put that stone in a ceramic bowl and covered it with a really big humidity dome (they fit perfectly in this gaudy column I found at a thrift store and it is the dopest thing ever). Kind of forgot about it for like six months, hardened the whole thing off before the weather got too hot, and now it’s pretty self sustaining! I think? It’s been doing great without much participation from me. It’s really humid where I live (Florida), so I’m hoping I can just top it up “tray method” style 🤷🏻‍♀️. Or they will rot outside in the summer like they always do for me. Or the heat will force me to take them inside. Who knows. I sure like looking at them out here for now though.
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By ChefDean
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No, I don't think so.
Roarke has been around for over a decade, and I've PM'd with him several times. He lives in Eastern Europe, so English is not his first language, and translator apps sometimes are too literal or take their best guess. Sometimes both.
Reading between the lines, it appears that he's asking if there were small power tools used, maybe like a Dremel, to prepare the rock.
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By Panman
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@roarke, I apologize for any comments I made about your posts. Now that ChefDean mentioned the translator app, it makes more sense. Again, I sincerely apologize for any offense.
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By roarke
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ChefDean wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:47 am No, I don't think so.
Roarke has been around for over a decade, and I've PM'd with him several times. He lives in Eastern Europe, so English is not his first language, and translator apps sometimes are too literal or take their best guess. Sometimes both.
Reading between the lines, it appears that he's asking if there were small power tools used, maybe like a Dremel, to prepare the rock.
I do not use any translation app., i use the browser version of google translate for some words, but only when i edit my post or explaining in the topic if i discover a typo when i saw it latter on when i revisit that post.
Last edited by roarke on Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By roarke
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Norcrossnotgeorgia, or anyone that can help me, as i need to explain as added in the post before, i can use a dremel type of tool made by Parkside, with on and speed settings buttons, with a usb C charger cable, and the on button is momentary because it goes off after awile. Until now i charge it to a p.c., based on windows 10.

I have two questions:
Can i charge it to a usb charger that has a input of 9.0 v and a output of 5.0 v ?
The power tool has a 4 v. lithium battery.

How deep is the hole needed to be in a pumice stone to cultivate a pinguicula or even a drosera capensis ?
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Last edited by roarke on Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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