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Discussions about growing with minimal or no organic growing medium.

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By sanguinearocks101
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Hello, I’m looking to automate my CP setup and hydroponics seems like a good idea. I was thinking vertical pvc pipes with 45 degree splits to put the plants in(with some sort of mesh at the bottom to prevent media from falling out. What pumps would you reccomend? Would it be better to do horizontal?
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By murrkywaters
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I would go with a perastaltic pump of some sort. Way easier to maintain if you dont need a high flow rate.

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By sanguinearocks101
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Alright, I got a small hydroponics system, now I need some information on what cps I can grow in it. I have heard only Nepenthes do well in hydroponics, but if I can get some D. Capensis or other drosera growing in there then I’m evicting the herbs.
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By elaineo
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Is this an NFT system? I think drosera and VFT could grow in there, but they can't tolerate any nutrients. And if you're not sending nutrients through the hydroponic system, that defeats the purpose of having a hydroponic system in the first place.
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By sanguinearocks101
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I don’t believe it is a NFT system. It is pretty much a bucket with a pump occasionally circulating the water. I don’t think the lack of nutrient additives defeats the purpose, there is still an increase in aeration which, from what I’ve heard, helps plants grow faster.
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By elaineo
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Are the plants in a PVC pipe, or are the plants hanging directly into the bucket? There is increase in aeration, sure... but you can get even better aeration by using a pump to run an aquarium air bubbler in your water tray. The PVC pipe system is usually used for NFT (nutrient film technique).
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By murrkywaters
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I can confirm good results with an aquarium bubbler. Dilute H202 works as well but it may damage the microbiome.

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By elaineo
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sanguinearocks101 wrote:It is directly in the bucket, I’ll paste a link to the product ... B08BW9C7YN
oh yeah, that's basically an aquarium air bubbler in a water tray. Drosera will do well in there, but I think you will get better bang for your buck using the Aerogarden for herbs (or "herbs"). I have a similar system for propagating nepenthes cuttings (could probably work for pullings and seeds, but haven't tried).
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By Fenlena
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Love, love, love the Aero Garden. It was my first introduction to hydroponics as well. As others have said, don't add nutrients to the water and you should be fine. I've never grown carnivorous plants in a deep water culture, but I would imagine the ph of your water shouldn't swing as wildly as it does when it is full of nutrients. I am just getting into this hobby but generally, you want your ph to land somewhere between 5 and 6, with 5.5 being the sweet spot. My advice is don't bother with litmus paper. Get a nice self calibrating ph pen from Amazon. It will pay for itself in ease of use. Just be sure to keep it wet by using it regularly. If it dries out, it's pretty much toast. I am very interested in your results.
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