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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:20 am
So a couple weeks back almost a month at this point I cut the flower stalk my b52 was attempting to put up, in doing so i damaged a few of the new traps (no biggie there) but for a while the growth seemed like it had came to hault and now…. Well just look! Theres at LEAST 7 new traps coming up from this ONE plant. Is this normal after flowering?
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IMG_5941.jpeg (2.45 MiB) Viewed 1177 times
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By sans
Posts:  420
Joined:  Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:39 pm
Possibly, my VFT started putting out a few more traps after, but since its the b52 maybe it put out more because it grows faster. But darn what size are those traps?!?!? :shock:
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By sans
Posts:  420
Joined:  Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:39 pm
Thats what im hoping to get on my VFTs, lol. But i did recieve a baby from the FTS and i think it may be a cultivar, because it grows super fast, very hardy, (like super tough) and it grows big traps for its size and age!
By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:20 am
I just ordered 2 flytraps from CC a dcxl and another b52 because I wanna see how the plant sizes and condition compares accross different nurseries! If you received it from fts and its not tagged then it’s technically I guess typical but typicalls can express a lot of different traits that make them anything but “typical” which isn’t a bad thing! Here’s a “typical” that I got from Lowe’s! Notice how red it is and how long the cilia are!
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By Barlapipas 6
Posts:  476
Joined:  Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:26 pm
I have noticed from experience that when a VFT gets stressed it might produce divisions. I noticed that this happens especially after flowering. Or when one rotted it produced a lot of small divisions ( they rotted too ). Or when some divisions get blocked by bigger ones they might split into more but smaller ones. Even when you repot a VFT it stops for a while but then it explodes in growth even if the substrate is old ( from experience ).
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