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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Jawh4290
Posts:  39
Joined:  Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:23 am

So still being new to VFT'S, I have been successful in my VFT'S as of the past year (Took me a while)

However, my question is, how do you wake a VFT up out of dormancy when using the refrigerator method? I have heard slow and easy, but I wanted to get some more knowledge and expert advice.

Thank you!
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By ChefDean
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My method for post dormancy is put them directly outside, tough love. If they're too weak and don't survive, I don't want those inferior genes in my collection.
Of course, watch for freezing temps that like to creep in this time of year, and act accordingly. But only the strong survive.
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By wcrosman
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Mine were in a temperature controlled cooler in my garage very similar to frig method. I brought them inside near my orchids for a day. Then in put them under grow lights and a seed starter heat mat for quite awhile. Taking them outside in the sun when temps allow.

Still only outside part of the time. Snowing today even though forecast was for 50 f.

Have lots of new healthy traps as well.
By Jawh4290
Posts:  39
Joined:  Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:23 am
ChefDean wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:23 pm My method for post dormancy is put them directly outside, tough love. If they're too weak and don't survive, I don't want those inferior genes in my collection.
Of course, watch for freezing temps that like to creep in this time of year, and act accordingly. But only the strong survive.
LOL I remember when I bought the seeds from you and you had told me about your tough love method. Love it, so just stick them outside?

Should I repot them prior to putting them outside? I still have him in his media I put him in with during the frig dormancy
By Jawh4290
Posts:  39
Joined:  Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:23 am
wcrosman wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:55 pm Mine were in a temperature controlled cooler in my garage very similar to frig method. I brought them inside near my orchids for a day. Then in put them under grow lights and a seed starter heat mat for quite awhile. Taking them outside in the sun when temps allow.

Still only outside part of the time. Snowing today even though forecast was for 50 f.

Have lots of new healthy traps as well.
Are you putting them back in the frig once your bringing them inside? or is the fridge all completely done?

What I've been doing,

i started outside of the frig for 1 hour a day, then 2 hours a day, 3 hours a day, etc. I'm hoping to see some progress.

Also, did you change the media for him when taking him out of the frig to wake up out of dormancy or?
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By wcrosman
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I changed the media late fall before dormancy because it had sunk/compressed greatly in the pot.
I recall that I turned up heat mat in late feb for a few days. That allowed the temp to raise to between 40-50 before cooling back down at night. I have a smart thermostat that I use to control the temp. All winter temp was controlled between 35-45 f.

But once I removed it from the cooler/garage it didn’t go back.
By tommyr
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Jawh4290 wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:03 pm Team,

So still being new to VFT'S, I have been successful in my VFT'S as of the past year (Took me a while)

However, my question is, how do you wake a VFT up out of dormancy when using the refrigerator method? I have heard slow and easy, but I wanted to get some more knowledge and expert advice.

Thank you!
Late winter around February 1st I take them out and clean them up, repot any that need it, hit them with SULFUR based fungicide again and place in a south and west window and some under florescent and white 'daylight' LED lights until night time temps. regularly stay above freezing then slowly acclimate them to full outdoor Sun. I've been using this method for 15 years with no losses.
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