FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Camden
Posts:  1740
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
I think it would be so much better if we had the option to like a private post. It’s kinda awkward just not replying in certain situations where it would awkward if you commented. Kinda like a “what do I do” scenario. I don’t know if this is actually possible, just a suggestion.
NightRaider, Sundews69 liked this
Nuking LFSM

Due to increased grass in my Sun-Gro LFSM I have d[…]

Help identifying D. Capensis

This guy appeared pretty much out of no where. The[…]

andynorth's Grow/want list

My newest additions, courtesy of my Secret Santa 2[…]

I've also propagated VFTs this way – I cut t[…]

Seeds received – thank you!

Algae in the water isn't a problem.

Secret Santa 2024!

Wow, that is exceptional! Your Santa really went a[…]

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