FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Places to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants.

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By Sundews69
Posts:  2402
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
Go on youtube and search "Unboxing from my home nature". I found some, but none were of cps, unfortunately. Just hoyas and such
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By NightRaider
Posts:  418
Joined:  Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:01 am
I would avoid them out of principle, when I was reading up on them before I read reports that they allegedly sell poached and wild-collected plants and animals. I even remember reading at one point that for a short time they were offering critically endangered Chinese Giant Salamanders for sale, which is a pretty massive red flag.

Dug up a couple threads from where I was researching them before:
Potential Poaching
Salamanders and Illegal shipping methods
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By evenwind
Posts:  2290
Joined:  Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:16 pm
You're also starting off with $39 for shipping and another $39 for phyto. There's plenty of other, respectable, places in the wide world.
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