FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.

Moderator: Matt

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By ChefDean
Posts:  10201
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Welcome to the FlyTrapCare Community Seed Bank
Where the emphasis is on community.

Please read the rules, located after the inventory in this thread. They explain how to request seed and how to donate seed.
US members may request one package of seed per calendar month (request must be timestamped by midnight CST on the last day of the month to be for that month), International members may request three packages once every three months.
To request seeds, post a new topic here.

Inventory Tier 0: These seeds may be requested by any FlyTrapCare Forum member.

D. burmannii - 12 pkg + bulk
D. capensis "Typical" - 7 pkg + bulk
D. capensis "White Form" x aliciae - bulk
D. intermedia "Temperate" - 10 pkg + bulk
D. filiformis - 1 pkg + bulk
D. filiformis OP - bulk
D. finlaysoniana - 14 pkg + bulk
D. spatulata "pink flower" - 3 pkg + bulk
D. spatulata "Pop. S1 poss. Aus" - 3 pkg
D. spatulata "Pop. S3, poss. NZ" - 4 pkg
D. spatulata "Pop. S4 poss. Hong Kong" - 1 pkg
D. Ultramafica x Spatulata - 1 pkg
D. tokaiensis- 4 pkg + bulk
Mixed Drosera - bulk
Mixed Threadleaf (subtropical) OP - bulk
S. leuco hybrids OP - 4 pkg
VFT OP - bulk

Inventory Tier 1: These easy to grow species may be requested by any FlyTrapCare Forum member active at least 1 month with 5 non-giveaway posts. (Or any donor)
D. anglica - 1 pkg + bulk
D. binata "Upright Form" - 1 pkg
D. binata "Small, Red Form" - 2 pkg
D. capensis "Big Pink" x self - bulk
D. capensis "Dr. Eberhard König" x ("Big Pink" x "Hercules") - bulk
D. capensis "Large Form" - bulk
D. capensis "Mini Red" - 2 pkg
D. capensis "Narrow Leaf" - 9 pkg
D. capensis "Narrow Red Leaf" - 1 pkg
D. capensis "Reddish Form" - 2 pkg
D. capensis "Wide Leaf" - 1 pkg
D. capillaris (Butler Co., AL) - 6 pkg
D. capillaris (Cuba) - 2 pkg
D. capillaris (Eatonville, FL) - 1 pkg
D. capillaris "Emeralds Envy" - 4 pkg
D. capillaris (Hal Scott, FL) - 2 pkg
D. capillaris "Long Arm" - 2 pkg
D. capillaris (Osceola Co., FL) - 1 pkg
D. collinsiae- 1 pkg + bulkca
D. filiformis var Floridana "Florida Red, White Flower" OP - bulk
D. hartmeyerorum - 16 pkg + bulk
D. "Hercules" x self - 14 pkg + bulk
D. "Hercules" x self (original clone) - 5 pkg
D. natalensis- 9 pkg
D. natalensis sp. Botswana- 3 pkg
D. natalensis (Tzaneen, RSA) - 5 pkg
D. natalensis (Tsitsikama, ZA) - 1 pkg
D. nidiformis - bulk
D. nidiformis x venusta - 1 pkg
D. snyderi - 2 pkg
D. sp. Lantau Island - 3 pkg + bulk
D. spatulata (Ahipara Gumfields, NZ) - 5 pkg
D. spatulata (Beenak Vic, Aus.) - 13 pkg
D. spatulata (Coloane" Macao) - 2 pkg
D. spatulata (Fraser Island) - 9 pkg
D. spatulata (Gold Coast, QLD, AUS) - 2 pkg
D. spatulata var Gympiensis - 1 pkg
D. spatulata (Hong Kong) - 1 pkg
D. spatulata (Jardine River, QLD, AUS) - 3 pkg
D. spatulata var Lovellae - 5 pkg + bulk
D. spatulata (Mobara, Chiba Prefecture, Japan) - 1 pkg
D. spatulata (Mt. Arthur, NZ) - 4 pkg
D. spatulata "Pink Okinawa" - 4 pkg
D. spatulata (Gold Coast, QLD, AU) - 2 pkg
D. spatulata (Royal Nat'l Park, Sydney) - 8 pkg
D. spatulata "Tamlin" - 7 pkg
N. boschiana "BE 3643" x sanguinea "Orange" - 9 pkg *probably not labeled on the pack, note the name

Alba x self - 2 pkg
B-52 OP - bulk
DC-XL OP - bulk
Deep Purple x self - 6 pkg
Dutch Delight x self - 3 pkg
FTS Flaming Lips OP - bulk
FTS Maroon Monster OP - bulk
FTS Towering Giant OP - bulk
Grün x self - 5 pkg
King Henry OP - bulk
Low Giant x self - 2 pkg
Olive Green x self - 1 pkg
Sawtooth x self - 1 pkg
Slacks Giant G16 x self - 1 pkg
Triffid Traps x self - 2 pkg

Inventory Tier 2: These species require a little more skill to grow or need stratification or dormancy or they are easy to grow but somewhat rare. These species may be requested by any member with 3 months active membership and 25 non-giveaway posts(Or any donor).
D. aliciae (Muizenberg, Cape Peninsula, South Africa) - bulk
D. binata "Marston Dragon" - bulk
D. capensis "Dr. Eberhard König" - 1 pkg
D. collinsiae (Mbuluzi River, Swaziland) - 1 pkg
D. cuneifolia "Silver Hills Seed" - bulk
D. filiformis (Florida Red) - bulk
D. filiformis var Floridana "Florida Red, White Flower" - bulk
D. filiformis (New Jersey) - 1 pkg
D. intermedia (Brunswick Co. NC) - 3 pkg
D. intermedia (Dorset, UK) - bulk
D. intermedia (Osceola Co., FL) - 2 pkg
D. intermedia (Pender Co. NC) - 1 pkg
D. intermedia (Roraima, Brazil) - 1 pkg
D. intermedia "Temperate" (Bear River/Creek, Monmouth Co., NJ) - 6 pkg
D. intermedia "Temperate" (North Carolina) - 13 pkg
D. intermedia "Temperate" - (Stump Sound - Pender Co. - NC) - 7 pkg
D. intermedia (near Wareham, Dorset, UK) - bulk
D. intermedia (Zagorje, Croatia) - 1 pkg
D. latifolia -bulk
D. latifolia (Serro do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil) - 2 pkg
D. rotundifolia (Kilmore, Isle of Skye, Scotland) - bulk
D. venusta "Albino" - 3 pkg
Drosophyllum lusitanicum - bulk (scarification necessary)
Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Cortes de la Frontera, Spain) - bulk
S. "AJ01" OP - bulk
S. alabamensis x self - 8 pkg
S. (alata x minor) x FTS 4 - 1 pkg
S. areolata (Watsons Preserve) OP - bulk
S. areolata x "Drew McClain" OP - 2 pkg
S. areolata x gulfensis - bulk
S. "Biggie Shorty" OP - 3 pkg
S. "Bog Witch" OP - 3 pkg
S. "Doreen's Colossus" OP - bulk
S. "Drew McClain" x (HCW x JH) OP - 1 pkg
S. exornata "Manny Herrera" x self - bulk
S. exornata "Many Herrera" (Washington Co., AL) OP - 1 pkg
S. exornata "Manny Herrera" (Washington Co., AL) x x "Yellow Jacket" - 4 pkg
S. (flava var Cuprea x "Adrian Slack") x self - 2 pkg
S. flava var Cuprea "Chocolate Top" x flava var Maxima (Carteret Co., NC) - 1 pkg
S. flava var rubricorpora - 2 pkg + bulk
S. flava var rubricorpora x flava ornata - 1 pkg
S. flava Rugelii "Clone A" x self - 4 pkg
S. flava Rugelii "Clone A & B" OP - 6 pkg
S. flava Rugelii "Clone A&B" x leuco (Washington Co., AL) - 4 pkg
S. gulfensis "Black" x flava "Lemon Yellow" - bulk
S. "Janus" OP - bulk
S. jonesii OP - 1 pkg
S. "Leah Wilkerson" OP - bulk
S. "Leah Wilkerson" x "Judith Hindle" - 1 pkg
S. "Lemon" (MBRS) OP - 3 pkg
S. "Lemon" (MBRS) x self - 6 pkg
S. leuco x oreo OP - bulk
S. (leuco x oreo) x (oreo x leuco) - 7 pkg
S. leuco "Red" x leuco "Dark Red" OP - bulk
S. "Lunchbox" OP - 2 pkg
S. "Orange Sunset" X leuco PPC OP - 1 pkg
S. oreophila (Sand Mountain MK07) OP - 2 pkg
S. (oreo x leuco) x (leuco x oreo) - 1 pkg
S. oreophila (MBRS) x minor var Okefenokeensis (Charlton Co., GA) - 4 pkg
S. purpurea (Clear Lake, West Branch, MI) - 3 pkg
S. purpurea No ID OP - 2 pkg
S. purpurea ssp. venosa OP - bulk
S. purpurea var Venosa OP - 1 pkg
S. RFN leuco x "Adrian Slack" OP - 9 pkg
S. rosea - (Liberty County Florida) x rosea (Mobile County, Alabama) OP - bulk
S. rosea - (Wilkerson's bog, Walton County, Florida) OP - 1 pkg
S. rubra gulfensis x self - 2 pkg
S. (rubra x oreo) x purpurea ssp venosa Burkii OP - 2 pkg
S. rugelli (A x B) x self - 1 pkg
S. "Saurus" x "Adrian Slack" OP - bulk
S. "Siskiyou Autumn" OP - bulk
S. umlauftiana x flava var Rugelii "Clone A&B" - 4 pkg
S. wrigleyana OP - 1 pkg
S. x moorei - flava var. rugelii x leucophylla (Yellow River, Buxson, Florida) OP - bulk
Organza bags - 14 lots (3 bags per request)

Open pollinated Sarrs, bulk unless otherwise noted, request by number

002 S. alata (would be an ornata if alata had that designation)
003 S. flava var. cuprea 'Bill Hoyer' x 'Botanique'
004 S. flava var. cuprea 'Bill Hoyer' x var. ornata (Bulloch County, Georgia)
005 S. flava var. cuprea 'Botanique' x 'Lois'
006 S. flava var. cuprea JL405
007 S. flava var. flava - 'Lemon Yellow' (Brunswick County, North Carolina)
008 S. flava var. maxima
009 S. flava var. ornata (Prince George County, Virginia)
010 S. flava var. ornata
011 S. flava var. ornata Gulf Coast x var. cuprea 'Lois'
012 S. flava var. ornata Gulf Coast x Black Veins
013 S. flava var. rubricorpora (Liberty County, Florida)
014 S. flava var. rugelii - Clone A
015 S. leucophylla - seed-grown (Baldwin County, Alabama)
017 S. oreophila - SOR001
018 S. oreophila - UCD B2003.021

Special drosera drop, request by number (SD-23-xxx). These are not bonus eligible. Most listed here, a few in other Tiers. (Filed under S)

SD-023-005 D. felix (Tuku Maruku) x self - 3 pkg
SD-023-013 D. aff natalensis "Yellowish green rosette, blood red scape" (Tradouw Pass, RSA) x self - pkg
SD-023-016 D. natalensis (Mantenga, Eswatini) x self - 4 pkg
SD-023-017 D. natalensis (Inanda Road) x self - 4 pkg
SD-023-018 D. natalensis (Bushmans Nek Resort, Drakensberg Mtns.) x self - 5 pkg
SD-023-019 D. natalensis "White Flower" (Bulungula, Eastern Cape Province) x self - 3 pkg
SD-023-020 D. aff natalensis (Chimanimani Mtns.) x self - 1 pkg
SD-023-021 D. aff natalensis (Swartberg, near Oudtshoorn) x self - 5 pkg
SD-023-022 D. natalensis "sp Pretty Rosette" (South Africa) x self - 3 pkg
SD-023-025 D. admirabilis (Betty's Bay, RSA) x self - 2 pkg
SD-023-027 D. admirabilis (Ceres, South Africa) x self - 5 pkg
SD-023-031 D. collinsiae (15 km S. of Dullstrom, RSA) x self - 3 pkg
SD-023-032 D. collinsiae (Usuthu River, Swaziland) x self - 1 pkg
SD-023-033 D. collinsiae (Mbuluzi River, Swaziland) x self - 7 pkg
SD-023-035 D. aliciae (Table Mtn.) x self - 3 pkg
SD-023-036 D. aliciae (Silvermine, Cape Peninsula, RSA) x self - 4 pkg
SD-023-038 D. capensis (Matroosberg) x self - 10 pkg
SD-023-039 D. capensis (Limietberg) x self - 9 pkg
SD-023-040 D. capensis "Narrow Leaf Giant" (Kogelberg, South Africa) x self - 5 pkg
SD-023-042 D. capensis (Meiringspoort) x self - 6 pkg
SD-023-043 D. capensis (Drie Kuilen, NR, The Klein, Karoo) x self - 2 pkg
SD-023-061 D. spatulata (Mt. Arthur, NZ) x self - 2 pkg
SD-023-062 D. spatulata (Buried Forest, NZ) x self - 4 pkg
SD-023-064 D. spatulata (Jardine River, Qld.) x self - 5 pkg
SD-023-065 D. spatulata (Kowloon Peak, Hong Kong) x self - 7 pkg
SD-023-067 D. sp. Lantau Island x self - 2 pkg

Inventory Tier 3: These seeds are suggested for advanced growers. They are rare, uncommon, or they require specific conditions or treatments to germinate or grow. These species may be requested by any member with 12 months active membership and 100 non-giveaway posts (Or any donor).




D. kaieteurensis (Chimanta Tepui, Venezuela) - 3 pkg



SD-023-053 D. broomensis (Ngadalargin Wetland, Nimalaica Claypen Lake Region, Broome) clone 3 x broomensis (Deep Creek, The Kimberley) - 1 pkg

Tuberous Drosera:
SD-023-009 D. trinervia (Stormsvleikloof) x self - 1 pkg
SD-023-012 D. trinervia "White flower" (Hopefield, RSA) x self - 3 pkg



Maxsea - bulk 1/2 tsp per request (makes 2 gallons)

It takes anywhere from 6 months to 7 years to grow a carnivorous plant from seed to maturity although most mature in 1 - 2 years. If you lack patience or want to build up some familiarity with growing CPs, you can always order a full grown plant from FlyTrapStore, which is run by Matt, this forum's administrator and owner.

Happy growing,
Dean Smith
Seedbank Manager

FlyTrapCare Community Seedbank Rules & Suggestions

This is a community project to allow FTC Forum members to share excess seeds from their cultivated Carnivorous Plants. Its main purpose is to help beginners get started. It can help experienced growers expand their collections. It won't work without your support.

The seedbank does not want to discourage individual seed giveaways or replace them.

FTC Community Seedbank is open to all FTC Forum members.

There is no charge for seeds, send in an SASE for US addresses, pay postage for international addresses, get seeds. (What is an SASE?)
We believe in the "Pay it Forward" philosophy. Contribute to the community and help other members.

The seedbank inventory will be listed in this forum and updated. Seeds will be classified by ease of cultivation with the more difficult species going to more experienced members.

You must be a member of FlyTrapCare Forums to order seed.

You may request one package of seeds per calendar month for US addresses, request must be made before midnight CST of the last day of the month to qualify for that month. For International addresses, it is once every three months. (See below, Procedure - International)

Seeds are distributed on a first come - first served basis. If there are 5 requests for a species and 3 in stock, then the first 3 requests get them.

Seeds may not be resold or traded, but excess seed may be given to a fellow grower.

The seedbank is run by volunteers, please be patient with us.

Please contact the Seedbank Manager by P.M. with all problems and suggestions. This Seedbank is a work in progress. Everything here is subject to change.

This is Matt's forum. He is the final arbiter. He has the final word.

Requesting Seed

Please read all the rules and stickies before you request. Make sure you're eligible to request the species you want.

Procedure - US
1) Start a new thread in this forum (For Example...Hollyhock requests Drosera capensis "Typical") and post it here. Post must be time stamped before midnight CST on the last day of the month to be for that month.
2) Seedbank Manager will reply to your thread and P.M. you with an request number and his mailing address. He will remove your seeds from the Seedbank inventory.
3) Make up an SASE. (#10 business size envelope suggested {4 1/8" x 9 1/2"} ) Write your Forum UserName and Request Number on a piece of paper and enclose it in the SASE. (What is an SASE?)
4) Mail the SASE.
5) Post a reply to your thread, stating that you have mailed the SASE.
6) Seedbank Manager receives SASE, fulfills request, mails it back to you, and replies to the thread that he has done so.
7) You receive seed and reply to thread that it has arrived.
8) Request is fulfilled, thread is closed.
9) You participate in the Forums, be a member of the community, and learn how to grow those seeds that have just arrived. Ask questions. Answer questions.

Procedure - International
1) Start a new thread in this forum (example: ChefDean requests D. Capensis "typical") and post it here. Indicate that this is an International request.
2) Seedbank Manager will respond to your request with an request number, and send you a PM with instructions to send postage. Do not mail a SASE. He will then remove your requested seeds from inventory.
3)Once postage has been sent, you respond to the PM indicating postage has been sent and include your exact mailing address.
4)After confirmation of postage paid and address received, the Seedbank Manager will put your seeds together, mail them, and post on the request thread that they've been sent.
5)When you receive the seeds, post that on the request thread, thread is now closed.

International requests can be made once every three calendar months, but you can request up to three pack of seeds that you are eligible for. This is due to many factors that the requester assumes all responsibility for.

Higher cost ($2 US for a letter sized piece), longer time in transit, poor handling en route, it might get stopped at a border, wrong address given, it might just simply be lost/disappear, etc.

If you want to donate seeds, contact the Seedbank Manager for an address where you can send them. In lieu of the 48 hour, early availability perk, International donors will be rewarded with one extra pack of seeds with their next request., Matt, the Seedbank Manager, Admins, or Moderators cannot be held responsible for any aspect of International requests or donations.

The replies to the original request thread allow everyone to follow the request and encourage timely transactions. They allow the Seedbank Manager to keep track of things and hopefully not make too many mistakes. If an envelope disappears, you can see at a glance when it was last handled.

If you request seed and don't mail your SASE in 2 weeks, your request will be cancelled and those seeds will be returned to inventory. If you don't post that you've mailed it, I'll assume you didn't mail it.

Donating Seed

Please donate the excess seed from your cultivated CP. This seedbank can't survive without it.

Donating Procedure
1) P.M. Seedbank Manager for mailing address and see if seed is needed (If there is half a pound of Drosera capensis seed in the Seedbank, that's probably enough.) If your seed species isn't listed in the Seedbank inventory, suggest the appropriate classification for it. (1= easy to grow), (2= Dormancy or Stratification needed or easy to grow but rare), or (3= very rare species or special conditions needed for germination or cultivation.)
2) Optional but it makes my job easier: Clean your seed. Separate stalks and flower debris from seed.
3) Optional but it makes my job easier: Portion your seed into individual seed packets. (Origami seed packets) (Origami envelopes) 25 - 100 seeds per pack for small Drosera seeds, 10 - 25 for Sarracenia or Dionaea, 5 - 10 for rare species.
4) Make sure your seed is legibly labelled with the species, date collected, and your Forum Username. Please be relatively certain of your species ID.
5) Mail your seed. A padded envelope is requested for large seeds and large quantities of small seed. Padded envelopes protect seed against crushing by mail handling machinery. 1/4 inch is maximum thickness for normal letter postage. If you use a normal envelope, please pad it the best you can.
6) Bask in the warm glow and good feelings you get from helping your fellow CP grower.

But Wait! There's more!
Donors will make or break this Seedbank. You should get some special perk for donating. And here's what we're going to do. Donors will get a 48 hour window exclusively for them to request new seeds, and the ability to request any seeds regardless of time and posts in the forum. This will give you the first crack at new species and an opportunity to beat the crowd. But to keep things as fair as possible, even seed donors will be limited to ordering one package a month, same as everyone else.
Last bumped by ChefDean on Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:16 pm.
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