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By killerplants4realz
Posts:  475
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I have been trying to put my fine dining plate presentation skills into CPs to make art out of the plants. Here are some of my pings. I think plants are a natural form of art and can be used as just that. It is not a great camera just the phone. Will use nice camera in the future. Enjoy!
By kcbugs
Posts:  538
Joined:  Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:07 pm
killerplants4realz wrote:Oh man when you posted that I was on the floor laughing!!;) I know I over cooked the croutons:(
lol... It's really a nice ping presentation. Is it just the lava rock and the pings? Simple and beautiful.

I may have to do something similar with my pings. I really love seeing them mounted on rocks.
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By killerplants4realz
Posts:  475
Joined:  Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:42 pm
Thanks yeah they were just the Rocks and pings. I make sure to keep the rocks wet every once and a while. What kind of plants are you into kcbugs? Thanks again for the funny joke and comment:)
By kcbugs
Posts:  538
Joined:  Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:07 pm
killerplants4realz wrote:What kind of plants are you into kcbugs? Thanks again for the funny joke and comment:)
All of them! I started with VFT's, then got heavy into orchids, then Neps, then Drosera, then Tillandsias, then Pings... and so on. I have coffee plants, fruit trees started, some succulents, a banana tree and a few other miscellaneous plants. Yeah, I have a problem...
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By killerplants4realz
Posts:  475
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Yes kcbugs we do have a problem buying way to many plants. Coffe plants? What part of the world are you in? Wait are you Juan Valdez in hiding???? I have messed with banana and succulents but coffee that is what I have to learn. In the kitchen or at home I drink like five expresso a day:) Teach me the coffe thing PM me!!! That sounds really cool. I have Tillindasia and bromalids also. TTyl.
By kcbugs
Posts:  538
Joined:  Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:07 pm
Haha, just regular old Coffee Arabica. I have bought a few plants from Wellspring Gardens and they'll send you a free plant with any order. One of those plants is Coffee Arabica. No beans yet, but the plants are very small. They make pretty good house plants. Their leaves are very glossy. I see them at my local nursery here in KC MO all the time. You keep them like any tropical.

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