FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
I'm sorry that I haven't been posting my regular bimonthly updates, but hey, I need some surprises for the photo contest :P
By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
Daniel_G wrote:Hehehe, same here, i'll meet you in battle
:lol: You better be prepared :P
Daniel_G wrote:Good luck by the way!
Thanks, to you too :D
stitz25b wrote:when is the contest?
I think that the submission thread opened up today.
By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Sad thing is, I don't have many plants that qualify, and most that do are babies.

So I know you need to have a plant in possession 3 months, what if you grew it from seed or other propagation method where the actual plant has been yours all along? (even if less than 3 months?)

Thanks in advance!:)

David Flocken--
By dantt99
Posts:  5045
Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
David F wrote:So I know you need to have a plant in possession 3 months, what if you grew it from seed or other propagation method where the actual plant has been yours all along? (even if less than 3 months?)
I think that during the last photo contest that came up, and Matt said that seedlings less than 3 months old are eligible for photo contest :D
Good luck everyone! :)
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