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N. maxima and N. 'Gentle' rooted basals available.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 12:54 am
by iamjacksplants
Hello Everyone,

I have three rooted basals from my exceptionally vigorous Nepenthes maxima. This plant had seven offshoots for a total of eight plants in the pot before I was able to take any cuttings. This was my first attempt at removing and rooting basals so I was reluctant to remove the older offshoots with longer stems. I was able to remove three plants. Since doing so the mother has taken off again and the basals rooted easily. Same with the 'Gentle' however there was only one basal on it. I had planned on hardening them off and getting them to pitcher in house and or windowsill conditions before offering them but unfortunately I'm running out of room. For this reason I'm leaning more toward sale than trade for these plants. I will still consider trades if they are small plants. I'm thinking 12$ for the maximas plus 8$ shipping and 22$ for the 'Gentle' plus 8$ shipping.

Here is the maxima pot of mothers
nmaximamothere.jpg (2.22 MiB) Viewed 1058 times
The newest pitcher
nmaximamotherpitchere.jpg (1.1 MiB) Viewed 1058 times
One of the basals. This is probably the least developed of the three. All have at least three new leaves since removal, but none have any fully developed pitchers yet.
nmaximabasale.jpg (1.07 MiB) Viewed 1058 times
Here is the 'Gentle' mother and the next shot is her newest pitcher. The last shot is the basal with a brand new pitcher of it's own to rival that of her mother. The red on the basal is obviously due to being much closer to the light than the mother. It was something of an experiment to see if bright light would impede or encourage rooting. I would have to say it encouraged rooting as it is the only one with fully developed pitchers.
ngentlemothere.jpg (2.73 MiB) Viewed 1058 times
ngentlemotherpitchere.jpg (642.84 KiB) Viewed 1058 times
ngentlebasale.jpg (2.07 MiB) Viewed 1058 times
Happy growing,

Re: N. maxima and N. 'Gentle' rooted basals available.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:37 pm
by UnbracingCube
Pm'd :)

Re: N. maxima and N. 'Gentle' rooted basals available.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 6:23 pm
by iamjacksplants
All plants are spoken for. Thank you everyone for your trades.

Happy growing,