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By Andrew42x89
Posts:  135
Joined:  Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:18 pm
Wanted to share some pictures and details about my indoor grow setup. Once (or thrice) upon a time, I cultivated my own cannabis. Though it’s been about a decade since I grew my last pot plant, that is where I gathered most of my knowledge and affinity towards gardening.

About a year and a half ago I decided to get back into the indoor gardening hobby and started my little basement adventure with (way too many) tomato plants. Today, my tent houses a few pepper plants (bell and some odd fellows grown from what I believe was a mexibell pepper,) some basil (genovese as well as lemon which is flowering for seed,) a sweet potato plant which I do not have high hopes for, a whole bunch of NoID VFT seedlings at about 6-7 weeks since sewing, d. capillaris Emerald’s Envy and Long Arm and some leaf cuttings from them I’m propagating in water. Outside of the tent I also have some kale (scarlet and dwarf Siberian,) oak leaf green luttuce seedlings, arugula and some fig tree cuttings being propagated.

The tent is an 2’x4’ AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 642 ( with AC Infinity AIRTITAN T3 fan and controller ( and two static 6” fans for circulation and temperature control. For lighting I have a ViparSpectra XS2000 ( inside and a ViparSpectra XS1000 ( outside of the tent. For humidity control, I’ve modified a Levoit Dual 200S ( by removing the hygrometer and extending a probe to a central location in the tent as well as connecting it to a RODI reservoir that is gravity fed using a float valve for volume control.

Please let me know if you have any questions and definitely if you have any suggestions! Spent a long time dialing this system in for my veggies and am excited to see how my CPs fare in this environment.

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By Bug_cemetery
Posts:  213
Joined:  Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:48 pm
Is the black and yellow tote in the last pic set up for self watering or just to collect from the ro unit for filling jugs?
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By Andrew42x89
Posts:  135
Joined:  Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:18 pm
Bug_cemetery wrote:Is the black and yellow tote in the last pic set up for self watering or just to collect from the ro unit for filling jugs?
It’s just for RO collection. Feeds directly to my humidifier and also has the spigot for filling jugs. I’ll get around to setting up a self watering irrigation system one of these days..

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By Bug_cemetery
Posts:  213
Joined:  Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:48 pm
Ah- well, yeah. You’re still miles ahead of me since your container has a spigot. Mine has one- still in the bag- somewhere.
By davinstewart
Posts:  345
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Huh, not sure why but the pics aren't popping for me. They're just loading continually.
By davinstewart
Posts:  345
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Nevermind, there they go!
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By Andrew42x89
Posts:  135
Joined:  Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:18 pm
Bug_cemetery wrote:Ah- well, yeah. You’re still miles ahead of me since your container has a spigot. Mine has one- still in the bag- somewhere.
I had been using an old homebrew bottling bucket until I messed around with it too much and couldn’t get the seal to stay watertight. Knew I wanted to connect it to auto feed my humidifier so I splurged and made this new reservoir. Picked up the square bucket from Lowe’s for $12 and got a six pack of spigots off Amazon for $11 (because buying a single one was $8, of course..) Before, I had been draping the RO outlet into the bucket to fill and toting jugs over to the humidifier. I’ve got this one connected directly to the water source and added an overflow drain so I don’t flood my basement if (when) I forget to stop filling it in time. Very happy with the upgrade. Image

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