FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By Allen Clements
Posts:  1
Joined:  Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:38 am
Hi all! I just got a Venus fly trap gifted to me and since I don't have the best history with plants I thought I'd find some expertise to keep it alive. It's currently in its plastic box from Home Depot and I can already tell it needs a bigger pot. Will do some research on the basics when I get home tonight.
geometry dash
By Jade
Posts:  424
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
As someone who’s had growing problems with basically all plants I have ever touched, I can say I have had a lot better outcomes with Carnivorous Plants. They are pretty awesome to watch grow too. Welcome :D
Chuck E Cheese Giveaway

#8 This coleus looks like I feel. Misery loves c[…]

Skiping Dormancy

Sorry if your question is already too old but I th[…]

Would you folks repot?

Thanks everyone for the input. I greatly appreciat[…]

I swear this plant looked great last night and the[…]

Welcome to the forum!

Oh, so do they have naturally black roots?

Large Quantity of besgrow spagmoss

Normally it's impossible for me to find anything l[…]

UN 3082 - Environmentally Hazardous Substance Scr[…]

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