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Growing D. regia in zone 7a

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:43 pm
by Drummer230
Anyone grow D. Regia in zone 7a? I can’t figure out what to do with it. Right now it’s 90 degrees during the day and 70 at night outside, but I’ve heard 90s are too hot. I have an indoor grow area in my garage, but it’s 95 in there during the day and 85 at night. Ideally, that’s where I’d like to put it. My only other option is in a window sill with 80 degree days and 66 degree nights, but I don’t really want it inside Nd worried it won’t get enough sun there. How do you guys deal with the temperature drop requirements?

Re: Growing D. regia in zone 7a

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:10 pm
by nimbulan
I've been growing mine outside. During our recent heat wave we had quite a few days in the 90's in a row, including one up to 99, with lows around 68-70, and all my D. regia and Darlingtonia are fine out in full sun. Having a reasonably cool night after these hot days helps them endure the heat better, though even with that I'm sure there's a limit to how many hot days they can handle in a row.

I will say that your garage sounds far too hot, and if you're worried about keeping it outside (especially if it's a newly-acquired plant that may not be adapted to those harsher conditions) then the windowsill will be your best bet. Add some supplemental light if you need to.

Re: Growing D. regia in zone 7a

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:00 am
by Drummer230
I took a few root cuttings just in case, but I’m going to try to acclimate it to growing outside and bring it in the garage under the grow lights when the weather gets cooler.