FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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List the plants you grow

Moderator: Matt

By Frogjammer
Posts:  32
Joined:  Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:06 pm
My growlist:

Maroon Monster
SD Kronos
King Henry
Big Mouth x Piranha
Big Tomato
Dentata A
Dentate Traps
G17 Megatraps
Red Top
Rehder Giant #1
Ron Gagliardo 38N
Wine Mouth
SD Draco
Pro Giant
Red Jaws

S. alata ( many types)
S. flava (Many types)

S. leucophylla (Many types)
S. Rosea
S. Purpurea (Many types)

D. binata "T-form"
D. capensis 'Alba'
D. capillaris
D. x hybrida - Butterfly Valley, California
D. capensis typical
D. aliciae
D. Intermedia
D. No ID

N. Truncata
N. Villosa
N. Robcantleyei
N. Sanguinea
N. Boschiana
N. Ventricosa
N. Spectablilis
N. Hamata
N. Robcantleyi x spectabilies
N. Ventrata
N. Sibuyensis x boschiana
N. Truncata x spectabilis
N. Lowii x Truncata
N. Maxima x Truncata
N. Lowii x maxima
N. (Truncata x spectabilis)x robcantlyei
N.( Sanguinea x spectabilis)x maxima
N. (northiana x truncata)x robcantleyei

I'm open to trade, just send a direct message!
Skiping Dormancy

Sorry if your question is already too old but I th[…]

Would you folks repot?

Thanks everyone for the input. I greatly appreciat[…]

Chuck E Cheese Giveaway

#8 This coleus looks like I feel. Misery loves com[…]

I swear this plant looked great last night and the[…]

Welcome to the forum!

Oh, so do they have naturally black roots?

Large Quantity of besgrow spagmoss

Normally it's impossible for me to find anything l[…]

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