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Moderator: Matt

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By Matt
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Sorry for the delay in getting the results posted. I was away from the computer all morning and I finally just got back online and gathered the results as quickly as possible. I know that many of you are eager to hear the results. are the results of the Fifth FlytrapCare photo contest!

First place goes to "ReefPlant's Heliamphora minor":
ReefPlant lives in the US, so he'll receive an FTS Maroon Monster, B52 and a FlytrapStore T-shirt! Additionally, for being the top overall finisher in the US, he receives his choice of one of the following:
* A Kitchen Culture Kit DVD
* Frank Tromble Carnivorous Plant TC DVD
* 10ml of PPM (Plant Preservative Mixture)

In second place is "BradR's Dionaea muscipula "Orange Julius"":
BradR resides in the US and will receive a Heliamphora minor and a FlytrapStore T-Shirt!

Third place goes to "Shes Crofty's Darlingtonia californica":
Shes Crofty resides in the US and will receive a Cephalotus follicularis and a FlytrapStore T-Shirt!

All winners please email me ( your addresses so that your prizes and T-shirts can be sent on their way! Congratulations to all the winners.

A big thank you to all who participated and voted in the contest and made it a success! There were lots of great photos this time and choosing just three of them to vote for was challenging! Since summer time is in full swing here in the northern hemisphere, I'd like to run at least one more contest before the temperate plants head in to dormancy. Look for another contest to start in the next coupole of months :)
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By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
Congratulations to the winners!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Matt, i'm pretty sure you made a mistake there, in the prize for brad, you are using brad's picture, but i see jimsplants below????(in the second picture)

anyway, whether jimplants of Bradr, i voted four you two, and snapperhead, so whoever gets the second place, congrats! :)
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By Matt
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jht-union wrote:Matt, i'm pretty sure you made a mistake there, in the prize for brad, you are using brad's picture, but i see jimsplants below????(in the second picture)
Thanks for catching that. That's what happens when you reuse text :)
stitz25b wrote:can u at least let people see the overall results so we can see how much each pic got
We decided that the overall results for the photo contests should never be released in order to prevent someone getting their feelings hurt.
By Shes Crofty
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If he gives that information to you Stitz, then he would have to give that information to anyone else who asked.

It's just best to keep it unknown, for many reasons. ;)

Email sent :) I wasn't even expecting to place against all the incredible pictures that were posted. :)
Last edited by Shes Crofty on Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
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Matt wrote:Thanks for catching that. That's what happens when you reuse text
You are very welcome Matt! :)

Congratulations again to the winners, specially for Bradr since i can see my vote counted to make him win! :) (that's a great awesome pic)

I voted for Reefplants the first time, but since snapperhead put a pic up at the last moment, and all was reseted, i chose bradr and jimsplants, and snapperhead. :)
Very hard to decide with all the good pictures submitted!
By dantt99
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Congrats to all the top 3 finishers!
You are all getting some great prizes :)

To tell the truth, I'm kind of on stitz25b's side, because I too would love to see how my photo posted (even if it got dead last :D)
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By Matt
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stitz25b wrote:matt can u atleast pm me the top 5 please i wont say to anyone
dantt99 wrote:To tell the truth, I'm kind of on stitz25b's side, because I too would love to see how my photo posted (even if it got dead last :D)
I understand that there are some people that would like to know, but I can say definitively that the results will never be made public for any FlytrapCare photo contest.

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