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Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:27 am
by pixar
I am wondering what are the fastest/easiest drosera species to grow from seed in the subtropical/tropical species. Also what are the appropriate lights to use?

Thanks for your help ! :)

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:53 am
by Ras
green burmanis grow fast from seed,
I just planted some about 10 days ago and they already sprouted
as for the lights I sent you a link in your other thread :P

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:39 am
by pixar
Ras wrote:green burmanis grow fast from seed,
I just planted some about 10 days ago and they already sprouted
as for the lights I sent you a link in your other thread :P
Do you think I could have success in growing Drosera aliciae, dielsiana, madagascariencis, natalensis, spathulata, trinervia or venusta from seed? I find all of these beautiful and they all seem appropriate species to start with.

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:57 am
by Ras
if you have them inside under your lights where its warm
they will do great
most of those will even do good outside in spring and early summer but you would probably wanna grow them under a light indoors in winter and fall

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:08 am
by fattytuna
Ras wrote:green burmanis
Apparently, if grown nicely, they can flower in four months :3

If you want to grow from seed, its best to make sure that the seed is fresh. Fresh seed is generally more viable and sprouts much faster. Of course, for easy species such as spatulata and capensis (+ others, those two are the only ones I have experience with)old seed will still germinate, but it takes a few months.

Its much easier to buy an adult plant in my opinion, grow it nicely and let it flower. Many subtropical sundews are self fertile, meaning that from one plant, you can get several hundred seeds without even trying! Also, you can take leaf cuttings from adult plants, adding to the fun.

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:09 pm
by Veronis
Just keep in mind that burmannii is an annual.

In nature it grows from seed, then eventually flowers, sets seed and dies. If you grow a burmannii outdoors for part of the year, when it senses the weather start to change it could do its "annual" thing and die on you.

If grown indoors or as a tropical (kept in tropical conditions year-round) burmannii will flower repeatedly and can live for years. They produce copious amounts of seed.

As for plants to grow from seed that are fast growers and easy, add d. capensis to that list you posted above.

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:43 am
by shirleycox
Seed is a very good way to produce large amounts of plants. Sundew seeds are very tiny. Some species of Drosera have such small seeds, it looks like black powder. Seeds are very commonly used in Tissue Culture since they can be easily sterilized. For most annual sundews, seed is the only method of propagation. Leaf cuttings and root cuttings don't seem to work. Most sundews produce seed through self-pollination. However, there are exceptions to this, such as the Petiolaris complex and Queensland sundews. These sundews must be cross-pollinated with another clone or with a sundew that is closely-related. Some sundew seeds germinate in only a few weeks, while some tuberous sundews can take up to 5 years to germinate.

Re: Fastest growing sundew?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:15 am
by Tony C
Shirley, are you a spam bot or do you just enjoy plagiarism? ... ation.html