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Fair Pricing

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:02 pm
by Berrybob
Right now I have 50+ capensis seedlings. When they grow bigger I plan to sell the majority of them on Ebay. I also plan selling some d. Burmanii "Humty Doo" too. What do you think would be a fair price to sell these plants at?

Re: Fair Pricing

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 3:44 pm
by ChefDean
A simple question with a not so simple answer due to many factors.
Capes are pretty popular, but they're also pretty common. I've seen mature plants, mostly typical, sold for as low as $2 for one, and $1 if multiple plants were purchased. I've even seen them given away as a bonus with any other purchase. They produce so much seed that supply consistently keeps up with demand. Competition is high simply due to how prolific they are. Unless you have a less common variety, I would suggest you do like I did and spread the love in your community. I have given away a couple hundred Capes to my neighbors and dozens to school teachers.
The Humpty Doo are a little different. They are a popular variety of Burmannii, but are still kind of common. I've seen mature plants as low as $4, often with a free Cape thrown in. They are also very good at producing seed, but usually only last one season. You can keep them around a couple of years with good care, but most people treat them like an annual.
For those, I would try offering two almost mature or three juvenile plants for $5 + shipping. And maybe throw in a surprise Cape if they order multiple Humpty Doo plants. But that would just be my suggestion as I don't have experience selling any. I usually just trade away or give away most of my excess seeds and plants.
Good luck.

Re: Fair Pricing

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:44 pm
by hungry carnivores
I had a huge Burmanii problem. I sold them in lots of three, for 10 USD, and the buyer paid shipping. I always tossed cuttings of a south american sundew or Petiolaris ones.

Capes I cannot get rid of. I donated a bunch to a local museum, as did a friend of mine.