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Drosera Flower Stalk Propagating/Seed Viability

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:56 pm
by andynorth
Is it possible to save drosera flower stalks to propagate at a later date or must it be done as soon as they are clipped? Also, if the flowers have not yet went to seed, will storing the cut flowers in the fridge produce viable seed?
I am asking because after feeding my drosera fruit flies, they have gone nuts and I have hundreds of flowers from various species. I think I am going to have some cool looking crosses and once I pull some for myself I will donate the rest to seed bank.

Re: Drosera Flower Stalk Propagating/Seed Viability

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:17 pm
by ChefDean
No and no.
The cut stalks must be fresh. You can wait a few days (shipping for example) as long as they're not allowed to dry out.
Assuming the flower was pollinated, seeds don't just immediately appear. They need time to develop, and they need to receive nutrients from the plant to do so. Once you cut a flower off, you cut off its source of nutrients and cannot develop further.

Re: Drosera Flower Stalk Propagating/Seed Viability

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:54 pm
by andynorth
OK. I was meaning after they were pollinated. So if I want seeds then I should just let them be and mark them OP since they are all in together. I do have a couple under humidity domes that I was experimenting with that would be as labeled. Once I get seed from those that are self pollinating I will be sending in to seed bank.