FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

Moderator: Matt

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By MikeB
Posts:  2091
Joined:  Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:13 pm
My threadleaf sundews have woken up:

D. filiformis var. filiformis -- Need to repot these; the carpet moss is getting out of hand.
filiformis.jpg (450.34 KiB) Viewed 1348 times

D. 'Dreamsicle'
Dreamsicle.jpg (519.38 KiB) Viewed 1348 times

D. 'Creamsicle' x self -- These plants turn out very red, and they know how to go dormant in the winter.
Creamsicle x self.jpg
Creamsicle x self.jpg (419.79 KiB) Viewed 1348 times

D. tracyi anthocyanin-free -- Actually a Dreamsicle x self creation.
tracyi.jpg (436.89 KiB) Viewed 1348 times

D. x hybrida
hybrida.jpg (380.43 KiB) Viewed 1348 times
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