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By VFTnoob94
Posts:  19
Joined:  Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:46 pm
Hello all, I accidentally dropped my VFT. One of the leaves with a trap broke off. It snapped off about halfway down the leaf (no white or rhizome noted on the breakage point).

With that being said, am I able to replant the broken leaf considering no rhizome is present?
What is the likelihood of that leaf growing?

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By Camden
Posts:  1740
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
The fact that you didn’t take any of the white tissue would be why you couldn’t get anything from in fact; You can only take cuttings by pulling off some of the white tissue with the whole leaf. I wouldn’t worry about it too much since it should be in dormancy anyhow.
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