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Dormancy at the wrong time?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:24 pm
by b33fdove
I'm a new fly trap owner, and I bought my trap a few weeks ago. It was looking pretty healthy until we had a cold snap for a couple of days and I (stupidly) left my plants out during 35F nights.

My trap now has the brown edges that it appears they get during dormancy- but the summer is just about to start and it wasn't dormant before!! Will it pull itself out of this misguided dormancy? Should I do anything for it? It's currently been getting full sun in rather warm weather for the past few days, but it still looks like it's preparing to sleep..


Re: Dormancy at the wrong time?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:22 pm
by jwbates26
As long as your flytrap didn't freeze it should be fine. There are many reasons why leaf edges go brown and not knowing other growing conditions it’s hard to help you more. Temps. along with watering schedules, type of water, light, what type of light, if grown outside was is introduced to the sunlight properly, soil type.... But to answer your question, no you plant will not go dormant from being cold for just one night. If you want more help, a picture would be great with as much detail about your growing conditions as possible.

Good luck and welcome to the forum

Re: Dormancy at the wrong time?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:06 pm
by liyuan123
It will help if we see a photo.