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doing research before buying a ping

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 5:55 pm
by pandaking666
I'm thinking of buying a p. gigantea but I don't know much about how diffrent they are from other plants. I have peat and perlite will that be enough or do I need more stuff. can I put them on a west facing window with a LEd light or do I need to put it next to my others on the south facing window?

Re: doing research before buying a ping

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 8:14 am
by jeff

Re: doing research before buying a ping

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 11:17 pm
by Bugeater123_Scammer
Mature size: With exceptional care, plants may reach 6-12 inches in diameter
Light: Partial to full sun or grow light equivalent
Soil: Mexican Butterwort Potting Mix
Feeding: Feed bugs, dried bloodworms, fish food, or diluted foliar fertilizer such as Maxsea every 2-3 weeks
Humidity: 50-80% with adequate airflow
Water: Keep soil consistently damp but not wet, provide water that is low in salts and minerals such as rain or distilled water
Temperature: 55-85°F
Dormancy: Leaves shrink somewhat in winter but will remain carnivorous

Re: doing research before buying a ping

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 3:36 am
by madrone
I grow my P. gigantea in a peat/perlite mix. And grow mine in a south facing window. Now I'm in WA and you're in TX, so maybe your west window will do. I've heard they can get a bit bigger with medium (versus high) light.

Very fun plant to grow - I wish you luck!