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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
Weed cloth is a cheaper option, or big dark colored towels. During the summer I put my capes outside. And in the winter I keep em inside, mainly because of the rain. And cold. And light.
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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
thepitchergrower wrote:I don't have one either *cough* *cough*

You are just gifted at photography? Maybe? :lol:
I guess.
TrapsAndDews wrote:What did you use to take the picture if you don't have a phone?
My camera. It's pretty nice, not really expensive and huge.
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I hope it arrives soon.

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Looking forward to it, thanks!

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