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By Intheswamp
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I've had these two specimens of D. tracyi sitting in a cold area with very dim and indirect window light. They showed no green, only the reddish brown hibernaculum showing for a couple of months. I checked them a couple of days ago and they had young leaves appearing to be unfurling...maybe 1/4" long. I thought they were breaking dormancy and watered them a bit and have them to the side of some grow lights. Should I have left them alone for a while longer or was my actions correct? Thanks!
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By Intheswamp
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Well, lots of views but no comments so I'll go out on a limb and answer my own question with a resounding....MAYBE!!!! :lol:

Seriously, the photo resembles images that I've found on the net of varied filiformis plants breaking dormancy. It just seemed a bit early to me, but I guess the plant has its own timing. ;) I think I'll scoot them on up under the lights and see what they end up doing. :)
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By Intheswamp
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Days are getting longer, but they have been on top of a refrigerator in a dimly window-lit room. We went through the super cold week so I'd figure probably only two or three weeks in the mid-40's for lows and now hitting in the mid-50's for lows. Maybe they sensed the slight increase in the light period along with coming into warmer temperatures. There are two separate plants from two separate locations that are doing the same thing.
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By MikeB
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A few of mine have started unfurling, too:
Waking up early.jpg
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I don't know why they think it's okay to do this. It's still cold here, and they're likely to be killed by frost.
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By Intheswamp
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Something must be in the air. I checked my only other filiformis, a Florida red white flower that Chef sent me, and lo’ and behold it’s got 3/4” leaves standing straight and proud. I moved it on into the grow room under some lights. :?: :?:
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By Intheswamp
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I was wrong. I have one more filiformis. A filiformis Florida Giant x Tracyi that elaineo sent me. It doesn’t appear to be waking up at the moment.
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By Intheswamp
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@Panman, Yep, the Tracyi you sent me ain't waiting on's chomping at the tentacles just waiting for a juicy morsel to come along. ;)
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By Intheswamp
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Six days later and this Preying Plants tracyii has said, "To heck with dormancy, I'm gonna break it BIG TIME!!!!" :lol:
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By Andrew42x89
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Piggybacking on this thread:

One of my filliformis seems to be waking up as well. It’s been sitting in my attached shed with temperatures averaging around 42°F and limited light from a SE facing window. Received along with a red variant as dormant hibernacula about eight weeks ago. They had been growing outdoors in North Carolina before I purchased them. Noticed signs of growth a little over a week ago. Attached a picture of them today.

I’m thinking it’s probably a good idea to separate the two and bring typical into my grow tent if it’s just going to keep on growing now. Thoughts?Image

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By Intheswamp
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I think now would be a good time to separate and re-pot them as it looks like they're both getting ready to break out. There will be a little trauma for them...rather them experience it now while they're getting ready to go into full grow mode. Just my newbie thought, though.
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By Andrew42x89
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Newbie as well, but that’s my thinking too from all I’ve read. The red one has looked like that since I’ve had it. Actually, the hibernaculum has gotten a bit more dense and hairier. No new evident leaf growth, so I assume it’s still happily dormant.

I think I’ll plan on separating and leaving the red one out in the shed.

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By Andrew42x89
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Went ahead and put the lil guy in its own “pot” after letting the substrate cool down to the same temperature overnight. Slowly acclimating it in my slightly warmer enclosed porch for a few days before it goes into its new home in my tent. Image

Found a nice little surprise underneath it that I didn’t know was in there!

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By Intheswamp
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Cool. Especially when it's a *good* surprise!!! Me and a buddy of mine (a regular ol' outdoorsman he is :mrgreen: ) were rambling around in the woods one day when he picked up a piece of dry lichen-type deer moss and was proudly showing me a black widow spider that was hiding beneath it. As I pointed to a spot on the wad of moss that was where his finger were at but was out of his view I casually said, "Look, there's another one". :P I thought I was gonna have to take him home for a clean pair of shorts. :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: (It's one of those things where you really had to be there...I can't stop chuckling now since I've recalled it!!! :D )

So...your kind of surprise is good! My Preying Plants tracyii I think had three grow points to it. Seeing those unfurling leaves down in the moss is really cool!!! :D
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