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Applying Osmocote pellets

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:23 am
by andynorth
When adding Osmocote pellets ( 2 to 3) to Sarracenia and Neps do I add to the water tray or to the base of the plant itself? I know about not fertilizing, etc. but due to unforeseen circumstances I have had to leave my CP's in my greenhouse for the entire summer and I want to give them a little boost. They have been catching some insects inside the home but nothing like they should be.

Re: Applying Osmocote pellets

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:21 pm
by Intheswamp
From what I’ve *read* you would put the pellets on or shallowly into the soil. Space them out…maybe one in closer to the plant and the others out toward the edge of the pot. They are time released. Don’t add to the water. You’re mileage may vary. ;)