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Anyone growing Utricularia 'jitka'?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 4:45 am
by iamjacksplants
Hey everyone,

Just wondering if anyone is growing Utricularia 'jitka' - quelchii x praetermissa? I'm looking specifically for what temps, light levels and how 'wet' is working well.

I was told by the grower I received it from to "just treat it like U. alpina. Hanging baskets so it doesn't get soggy. The tips of the leaves seem to yellow easy."

I'm starting to get the feeling it wants to be a little cooler, slightly drier and maybe not quite as bright as I'm keeping my U. alpina, but I'm not sure. I've only had it for a couple weeks, so maybe it's still recovering from shipping but the other plants (3 other orchiodies) from the same shipment are all putting out new growth. Anyhow I'm reluctant to change a bunch of conditions at the same time especially if it's still trying to recover so I was hoping to get some input on what is working for this plant for others before I decide what to change.

Thanks in advance,