Review Details

King Henry

Product Review (submitted on January 16, 2016):

My overall review would be that the plant was in great condition, even after the stressful transportation stage. I didn't notice this before, but I took a picture of the plant when I first got it, and while I reviewed it, the picture revealed a small, new growing head! I used the picture to see where it was on the plant, and it was almost fully functional! If this plant is available, snatch it! It is an extremely vigorous grower, and has consistantly large traps. The last order I placed was during the summer, but this dormant King Henry is still bigger than they were (I may have failed to keep them alive). The shipping was not as quick as I thought, as many people said they placed the order on Monday, and they said it arrived on Thursday, or within the next three or four days. Mine was ordered on Monday and arrived in Saturday. Although, that is rather a review for the post office, not so much FlytrapStore.

Plant quality was an A+(I know those don't exist)!!! As of now, it is shooting out new traps, and boasting huge size. This, supposedly "starter plant," has traps that are already around 1 inch! I can't say I'm disappointed with my Venus Flytrap!

Currently, I am awaiting my Low Giant! Overall, the King Henry is underrated. I don't know, but many people say the sloppy growth habits on their king Henry's are awful, but mine has a... Bushy- some would say- appearance. Grandeur plant, and quite magnificent!