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growing nepenthes from cuttings

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:59 am
by lycaenope
I have a bunch of nepenthes cuttings potted in either a 50/50 perlite/peat mix or a 50/50 perlite sphagnum moss mix. One of them has a growth bud that is just beginning to split into two leaves, still pretty small, maybe 1/3 of an inch in length. I have read that once I see this kind of growth I can re-pot to a bigger pot, but it seems so soon to be doing that. Also, I have heard that they must be acclimated to the humidity outside the bag slowly. I have them in big zip-lock bags right now, the humidity in my house is around 50%. Any and all advice about growing from cuttings is welcome, thanks! :?:

Re: growing nepenthes from cuttings

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:16 am
by KategoricalKarnivore
When I bag plants and start to acclimatize them I cut a corner off then in a few days cut it more and so on until they are basically at the outside RH. Also if you want to repot just take the whole bundle of media and plant and put it into the bigger container and fill in the space around with more media. That way you are not disturbing the roots.