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Growing Flytraps in northern California

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:34 am
by JaF
I live in northern California and am new to carnivorous plants. I'm making this post because I want to know what the best way to grow a flytrap here would be. Its not humid at all here, very dry, and we don't get very strong sunlight or high temperatures most of the year. So does anyone have any suggestions on how i can provide the best possible conditions for my VFT where i live. Would it be best to grow it on a window sill, outdoors, or an indoor mini terrarium (to keep the humidity high)

Re: Growing Flytraps in northern California

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:32 am
by TheChrisanator
Hey JaF,

Venus Flytraps are relatively easy to take care of. The two most important things to worry about are light and watering. Humidity can be beneficial, but when it comes to light or humidity, ditch humidity. Misting it once in a while will help, though. Keep your VFT in a dish of water about an inch deep with Distilled, R/O, or rainwater. NEVER water your plant with anything else but that. Try for as much sunlight as possible, usually on a South-facing windowsill. You can also grow them outside if it means they can get more sunlight. If sunlight is impossible, try two flourecent, 40 watt spiral bulbs. Other than that you should be fine. Give the VFT lots of attention and they will flourish. If you need any help, just ask. See the other VFT care articles on this website for additional help.

Re: Growing Flytraps in northern California

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:58 am
by garz
TheChrisanator wrote:... Keep your VFT in a dish of water about an inch deep......
When you mentioned that particular suggestion. Does the size of the pot play a role in it? I am using a net pot that's dimensions are 3.5 inches top, 3.00 inches bottom, 3.50 inches high. It sits in a 4 inch diameter saucer with about 1/4th of it in water. Does that suffice?

Re: Growing Flytraps in northern California

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:48 pm
by Matt
JaF wrote:So does anyone have any suggestions on how i can provide the best possible conditions for my VFT where i live.
It's the same basic requirements anywhere:
1) Lots of good light
2) Mineral free water
3) Proper soil
4) A dormancy period

Those are the "high level" requirements. If you're going to start talking about specifics, keeping the soil just moist and not too wet (i.e. don't leave the pot standing in water), regular feedings (though not overfeeding), and keeping the temperatures relatively stable will go a long way to growing extremely large and healthy plants.